Third Sector Consulting

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How to Find Foundation Grants

Your winning foundation grant proposal starts before you write the first word.

It starts with solid grant research. You want to ask the right funder for the right amount at the right time.

How to find grant opportunities for your nonprofit.

Do you know which foundation grants are the "best" for your nonprofit?

Just like you, grantmakers have specific goals and interest areas...and limitations.

It's critical to match your organization's mission and your program's goals to the grantmaker's giving priorities. It's also important to know a foundation's capacity for giving so you'll know if they are able to give at the level you're seeking.

Solid research is the first step to your grant success.

Laura has access to up-to-date information from more than 100,000 U.S. foundations and she uses this information to find qualified grant leads for your nonprofit.

Once you've identified your best prospects, your next challenge is deciding how much to request from each individual foundation. A common mistake is to ask for what you need instead of what the funder is likely to give.

Your chances for grant success improve dramatically when you ask the right funders for the right amount at the right time.

Yes, I want Laura to help me find grant opportunities!

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"Let's Talk Nonprofit" is a blog by Third Sector Consulting that addresses common questions that nonprofits have. Ready? Great! Let's Talk Nonprofit.

Is Your Writing Too Long, Too Short, or Just Right
Twitter recently increased the number of characters per tweet from 140 to 280. Just because you can say more, should you? The same question holds true for grants. If you're writing an online application and the response allows 300 words, do you need to use all 300 words? If it's a paper application, and you're allowed 5 pages, do you need to fill every page? And what about your donor appeals? What's the right length of the fundraising materials you write for your nonprofit? (read more)